Mark Ranniger
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Mark has lived in the Campbell River and Black Creek area since 1980. Before Real Estate, Mark was a commercial fisherman for 20 years. Mark believes there is no better place to live, work and play than Campbell River. He believes in being an active member in the community by participating and supporting in many different programs including Ducks Unlimited, and the Royal LePage charity fundraising event that is the Campbell River Salmon Derby.
Mark and his wife Jannine have 3 daughters and 5 grandchildren. When he is not in the office you can find Mark, golfing, fishing, hunting, and camping.
Biggest Career Accomplishment:
Mark has been in the office Top 10 his entire 30 year career.
Ideal day in Campbell River:
Fishing in the morning, golfing in the afternoon, and dinner with friends in the evening.
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